apts, lofts, houses

Apartments, Lofts

Urban apartments and houses converted into apartments have the opportunity to have green designs which are beautiful, easy and unique to each site.

Looking first at the different element which can be improved by plants and design solutions, specific materials are written of, with design solutions drawn out.  Then questions which a person can use to understand their site and its needs are charted out.

Green applications for apartments include green walls, lawn floors, use of grey water, disposal of medicines, composting, recycling, improvement of air quality, water re-use, and sources of the contaminants.



Houses include interior and exterior spaces.  This combination allows for a unique blurring of lines of what can be experienced as interior/exterior- and shifts both.  With lighting, scale, grey water and storm water opportunities are expanded in the chapter on home sites.  Designs allows for re-use of water, reducing the need for fresh water for plants, while improving air and soil quality through design.


Applications include permeable pavers, grey water, unique garden solutions, hydroponics, aerponics, green walls, and plants needed per square f00t for air contaminant cleaning, sources of contaminants (expanded in appendix) and local sources for materials.  Additional questions such as grey water sources, understanding grey water, and uses for grey water on a site are answered (with more specific put in the appendix), as well using slopes and design to improve storm water management and use.